Choices hold the bewitching thought about staying with you for life. Everyday, you are forced to make choices and some of them, however trivial, however natural may end up defining the course of your life. When you look at the extent a choice can make to create the person you are now, you realize that sometimes...sometimes, you need to take a stand, you need to draw and define your own course...your own road to discovery.
Life's highway is a long lonely affair.
Sooner or later the journey ends...a journey mostly undertaken in the deeper complexities of the mind.
Weary and tired and deeply scarred, having traversed through the vagaries and vicissitudes of a life neither predestined nor built on a foundation of architectural efficacy and your body just a capsule of experiences, you look back on those innumerable victories and countless defeats, the laughter and the pain, the walk in the rains and the hot summer days, the moments of tranquil peace, the schizophrenic paradoxes and existential angst, the doubts and the realizations, shimmering passions and endogenic vacuousness, the first kiss, colours of joy, falling in love, bleakness of winters and the romance of the monsoons, friends, holding hands, letting go, emotional turbulences, endorphin rush, the valley of flowers and the forest of dreams, flirting with solitude and many more.
All along, the choice was had it in you to choose. To take the path that ultimately lead you to where you are now. You had the choice to look up at the stars above to guide you, to accompany you or to take the rap for the mistakes made.
And now, you ask...did you make the choices when you had the chance?
Did you choose the easy way out by trailing along the slipstream of choices made for you or did you really make that choice...not out of necessity, but because of the joy to be found in stumbling through the thicket of self doubt and discovery. Chances are that in the mistakes and the missteps made because of the choices you made lay so many of those very answers you were looking for. Treading the beaten path may have found you the answers...but did you ask the right questions?
"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers", wrote James Thurber
Life's highway is a long lonely affair.
Sooner or later the journey ends...a journey mostly undertaken in the deeper complexities of the mind.
Weary and tired and deeply scarred, having traversed through the vagaries and vicissitudes of a life neither predestined nor built on a foundation of architectural efficacy and your body just a capsule of experiences, you look back on those innumerable victories and countless defeats, the laughter and the pain, the walk in the rains and the hot summer days, the moments of tranquil peace, the schizophrenic paradoxes and existential angst, the doubts and the realizations, shimmering passions and endogenic vacuousness, the first kiss, colours of joy, falling in love, bleakness of winters and the romance of the monsoons, friends, holding hands, letting go, emotional turbulences, endorphin rush, the valley of flowers and the forest of dreams, flirting with solitude and many more.
All along, the choice was had it in you to choose. To take the path that ultimately lead you to where you are now. You had the choice to look up at the stars above to guide you, to accompany you or to take the rap for the mistakes made.
And now, you ask...did you make the choices when you had the chance?
Did you choose the easy way out by trailing along the slipstream of choices made for you or did you really make that choice...not out of necessity, but because of the joy to be found in stumbling through the thicket of self doubt and discovery. Chances are that in the mistakes and the missteps made because of the choices you made lay so many of those very answers you were looking for. Treading the beaten path may have found you the answers...but did you ask the right questions?
"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers", wrote James Thurber
it is really beautifully written and makes one think... i believe whatever choice we are making it is always a right one as we believed in it at that moment. And if something does not work out, it is always for the best as it gives us experience that values more than anything :)
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